Hospital language interpreters are just a push of a button away

Providence St. Peter Hospital in Olympia, Washington, has instituted a real-time language interpretation service that can be accessed via television monitors on a 24 hour basis. It’s called MARTTI and it stands for My Accessible Real-Time Trusted…

Language Services Toronto is launched in Canada

An ambitious telephone service gives newcomers to the Greater Toronto Area in Canada access to 24/7 medical language interpretation.The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is a major metropolitan area in Canada and 41 per cent of its population is comprised of …

Do hospital-based language interpreters allow for better patient care?

While federal regulations requiring the use of certified hospital language interpreters are clear, the data on their benefit is more or less mixed.Last April we reported on a study conducted at two pediatric ERs which revealed that mistakes with potent…

Language Translation – Online quizzes test knowledge of medical terminology

Medical language is difficult to master even in your own tongue. Need proof? Check out some online medical language quizzes.In our posts about medical translation, we often emphasize that medical translators and interpreters need to start by understand…

Language Translation – "Suspicious foreigner" image persists due to accents

Research from the University of Chicago suggests that even in the 21st century, people with accents can be considered untrustworthy.A 2010 study carried out by University of Chicago researchers shows that a foreign accent tends to damage a speaker&rsqu…