Language Translation – Christmas in translation

What comes up in a Google search for Christmas and translation?This seasonal “Language Links” post will answer a question that somehow came to my mind this week: what is floating around the web on the subject of Christmas + translation? Fi…

Language Translation – Translating the Internet, sentence by sentence

Over 100,000 would-be translators are on the waiting list for Duolingo, a platform with a unique approach to crowdsourcing.A few months ago, I wrote a post about how translation is falling back into favor as a language learning method, at least among s…

Language Translation – Demand for telephone interpretation increases

While Spanish remains the most-requested language for telephone interpreting in the USA, other languages are showing growing demand.The results of a recent report, published in a article, show developments in the market for telephone inte…

Language Translation – “Translators without Borders” aids a world in need

Founded in 1993, the organization’s mission is to support humanitarian work by providing free translations.The original organization Traducteurs sans Frontières (TSF) was founded in 1993 by Lori Thicke and Ros Smith-Thomas to help translators …

Language Translation – From emergency interpreter to medical interpreter

Language interpreters, especially those who interpret less-spoken languages, often have fascinating life histories.Local newspapers have been publishing plenty of articles the past few years about medical interpreters and how they started their careers…

Language Translation – Why is Korea behind in language translation?

According to a language professor based in Seoul, the country has not yet professionalized its language service industry.Korea has an up-and-coming economy, as well as a large body of students studying English and other foreign languages. So why is th…

LanguageTranslation – Foreign languages and the presidency

It may not be necessary for American presidents to speak a foreign language – but a surprising number of the early presidents did.An entertaining blog post from the Foreign Policy magazine website suggests that foreign language ability isn’t re…

Language Translation – Machine translation and Asian languages

Could the increasing quality of machine translation discourage learners from tackling Asian languages?An interesting and eye-opening debate is taking place online at the Australian-based Lowy Institute for International Policy blog. Although the blog i…

Multicultural talent needed in a global economy

Of course, companies increasingly need multi-lingual employees. But look for « multicultural » to be the recruitment buzzword of the coming decade.According to recruitment expert Kyung H. Yoon, Founder & CEO of Talent Age Associates, multicultura…

Language Translation – Indian literature in “direct translation” featured at Frankfurt Book Fair

A new initiative aims to encourage “direct translation” of Hindu or Tamil literature into the world’s major languages – without going through the English translation.Due to a scarcity of translators for certain “language pairs,” esp…