Language Translation – Language interpreters as communication experts

Language interpreters need to possess communicative as well as linguistic skills

Professional interpreters are, of course, language experts. But they must be communication experts as well.

If you look at a list of communication skills,  a great number of them apply to interpreters – except those involving reformulation and expressing one’s opinion, because an interpreter’s job is to convey as precisely as possible what a speaker has said.

Think about these skills, which are just a few from the above list:

·         Taking responsibility for one's messages

·         Preparing to listen

·         Assessing without being judgmental

·         Conveying to others a message without commanding or dictating terms

·         Being aware of the information coming in

It’s undeniable that all of those competencies and more are crucial in interpreting, and intertwine inseparably with language skills to make for a professional and accurate language interpreter.

At Language Translation Inc., we specialize in language translation and interpreting, including specialized fields such as legal and medical language services.

Betty Carlson

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