Language Translation – Portuguese-English language services: a growing market
A post from the Portugal Magazine UK blog explains the significance of Portuguese in the world today:
“The Portuguese language is widely spoken all though many parts of the Earth. It is naturally, the dominant language in Portugal, but Portuguese is also the predominant language in Angola, Mozambique and Brazil, to name but some. With the world commercial market speedily skyrocketing, so is the necessity for expert interpretation, particularly now that Portuguese is officially recognised in the EU Union…
The Portuguese language is completely different from English with alternative phrasing, quotation and punctuation rules. In the Portuguese written language, it is just the 1st letter which is in higher case as an example….
Remember, that, though Portuguese is the predominant language in numerous nations as observed above, there’ll be variations in the language to that spoken in Portugal. Ignoring these cultural differences on the supposition that interpretation of the Portuguese language is standard is to show an absence of information and respect for the target market. It is always crucial to know the company you are handling and to trust in the translation.”
(Extract from Portugal Magazine UK, July 3 2010)
The post provides valuable information, but also serves to prove its own point. Although it is well-written, there are a few language glitches; perhaps the writer is a native Portuguese speaker?
Language Translation, Inc provides translation and other language services in over 40 languages, including Portuguese.
Betty Carlson
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- Language Translation, Inc.
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