Language Translation – UC Irvine hospital introduces video interpreting services

This language interpreting system uses new technology to better serve patients.

At the University of Irvine, certified language interpreters can now work from a single location, carrying out their job through remote video. Their presence is rolled into the hospital room in the form of a computer on wheels. The connection offers excellent image quality as well as real-time sound.

As several hospital employees point out in a video posted on the University of Irvine website, the system offers many advantages. One that is specific to remote interpreting is the reduction of waiting time. In a major hospital, it can take 15 minutes or more for interpreters to arrive to their destination; with remote interpreting, service is provided immediately.

Other advantages cited, but which are not unique to video interpreting, are better patient service, diminishing and/or eliminating family members’ interpreting and, most importantly, minimizing safety risks.

Although it is not mentioned in the video, another possible benefit to video interpreting is that it reduces the number of people in the hospital room, and thus may be perceived as less invasive to certain patients.

When medical translators and interpreters are called upon, it is essential that they have specific training and familiarity with their subject matter as well as excellent language skills. At Language Translation, Inc. in San Diego, medical language services are one of our specialties.

Betty Carlson

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